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Full Version: Whats everyone playing FPSwise
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im pretty much play in Post scriptum

i havent played RS2 in ages

and should we think about having a server or 2 for other games as i think we probs dont really need 3 servers of RS2 anymore as the player base has gone to other games....thoughts?
Haven't played games let alone FPS in ages.. just bought an RX7 FD so all my spare time has been going to that.

Is RS2 still active? Keen to get back on the train to the rice fields
(21-06-2020 11:11 AM)PuRG3 Wrote: [ -> ]and should we think about having a server or 2 for other games as i think we probs dont really need 3 servers of RS2 anymore as the player base has gone to other games....thoughts?

Not a bad thought.
Im all for a new server for a few different games. I often see names and play with people I recognise in Post Scriptum, Hell let loose and a few others.
I'm keen to play the Winter War mod but never seems to be many players on any of the servers, even though they just updated it with new weapons and such? Undecided
i think if winter war mod come out a 1 n half ago it would more players but seeing as tripwire stopped supporting RS2 players started leaving for other more active games

i also added a polled what other games would you like then CAt or Geebus can look into it maybes?
if winter war had come out earlier before the game was in decline it would have done much better as for other servers that's a Cat thing.
only thing is what ever we put up we would need lots of people who we can trust to admin the thing
Winter War came out ages ago, but the first (from my view) iteration was so buggy that it was hard to play. It was a bit Ostfront, but years after that was released. And a bit Tannenberg, but not updated. Sure, I will give it a look, but...
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